Liquid dependencies: What does a decentralised, caring society look like? is a Live Action Role-Playing game that works both a life simulation and a collective generative social experiment. The goal of this game is to build a commons-oriented society based on care values through long-term relationships, as response to the challenges of the nuclearized, aging future.
Liquid dependencies: What does a decentralised, caring society look like? Continues the investigation of White Papers on Dissent on the social uses of blockchain. This project comes to practice the multifaceted forms of value that blockchain technology can encompass and helps reveal the political agency of the artistic practices working with the technology. As such, they convey new forms of autonomy and become rehearsals of the not-yet that formulate new meanings of social structures.
Liquid dependencies: What does a decentralised, caring society look like?, the players run into different characters who stumble upon a random series of societal and individual events that represent different decades in the lives of participants. In these circumstances, the players need to establish their safety nets through a diverse set of P2P care relationships. The game is based on the functioning of the Blockchain App, ReUnion Network, which generates long-term P2P care contracts and relationship-driven cryptocurrencies. The intention of this dApp is to help people to organise bottom-up social organisations as their everyday and long-term safety net.